Tuesday, November 04, 2008


We just had an Ancient Paths seminar this past Saturday and Sunday. The folks organizing it were quite discouraged because at least 20 people had said they would come but in reality only about 10 came and their attendance was sporadic. But God encouraged us that we are planting seeds and God will bring a harvest, even if it is only in a few people.

Zanda was in our small group. He hadn't even known about the seminar but he is a maintenance guy at the place where we met and someone invited him to stay, so he did. He wrote the following and gave permission to share it: "Today God cleansed and purified my soul. He has made me a new creation and he has separated me from the memories that I had that tormented my life. [Memories of atrocities committed during the civil war.] I am a new creation with the will to serve Him but I need continuous protection and support. God does miracles when we believe. Let's seek God on earth and worship Him because He is the only God and he has power."

Please pray for Zanda as he admitted that he is an alcoholic and uses drugs. He grew up in the church but has not been there for a long time. God spoke many things to him and removed his fear, replacing it with peace. Thank you, Lord for the work you are doing in Zanda!


At 11 November, 2008, Blogger Don said...

Hello Goods
We're even hearing counsellors here in France talking about Ancient Paths and how well it works with HFN. We're just going to have to find out more, I guess.


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